A downloadable game

Welcome to the Golden Sun Challenge Run Kit.  Need a little spice for your next run of Golden Sun? Then this challenge pack is for you. It contains a variety of patches that vary from making certain challenge runs easier to set up, to modifications for custom rulesets. You can set up runs where you can't use summons, where you're forced to use only a single element, and more.  If you're craving something extra spicy, you can check out my custom made challenge patch with stronger enemies, customized bosses, and other surprises.

Current challenge types include:

  • No Summon
  • 1-3 Party character Only Runs
  • Lost Age hard mode stats
  • Fire Element only
  • Water Element only

Some of these challenge types can be mixed and matched through patching to create custom challenges. See set-up instruction or the included Read-me file for more information.


Challenge Pack_v.1.2.zip 981 kB
ReadMe.txt 10 kB

Install instructions


Use of a patching tool, such as Lunar IPS required. 

  1.  Apply a base patch, if desired.
  2.  Apply patches from Add-On folder, if desired.
  3. Apply patches from "QOL patches", if desired.

See Read-me file for more detailed instructions.

Challenge Types (By Filename):

Base Patches 

(Should be applied first if they are to be used)

  • MonoFire: 
    • All Psynergy, Djinn, weapons, and summons you have access to will be of fire or neutral elemental power. Preventing you from having access to any other elements for attack, excluding battle items. 
    • All party members will start as fire adapts by default. 
    • Some classes have had altered Djinn requirements to still be accessible in this new mode.
    • Some classes from the base game will still be unable to create, such as the Squire line.
  • MonoWater
    • All Psynergy, Djinn, weapons, and summons you have access to will be of water or neutral elemental power. Preventing you from having access to any other elements for attack, excluding battle items. 
    • All party members will start as water adapts by default. 
    • Some classes have had altered Djinn requirements to still be accessible in this new mode.
    • Some classes from the base game will still be unable to create, such as the Squire line.


(Should be applied after base patches)

  • NoSummon
    • Turns all summons into the "Nothing" command. 
      • This immediately ends the user's turn without doing damage. However, it still treated as a summon in the sense of putting Djinn into recovery and give the user an elemental boost. 
  • DeathCharm
    • Applies every party member with an item called "Death Charm" when they join the party. 
      • When used in battle, it'll instantly down the user.  
      • This item is intended to help make it easier to knock out your party members when doing something like a solo Party Character run. However, how exactly you use this item to spice up your challenge run is up to you.
  • TLA-HardMode
    • Applies stat boosts to enemies and bosses in a way similar to how it was handled in The Lost Age's "hard mode". 
      • Specifically, enemy HP is increased by 50%, and enemy Attack and Defense are each increased by 25%. 
    • Special thanks to @empty_set on the Golden Sun Modding Discord for this patch.

Dawn of Djinn Patches

Custom challenge patches that tie into the ROM Hack I'm making of Golden Sun, Golden Sun Dawn of Djinn. 

Dawn of Djinn is my upcoming custom ROM Hack of Golden Sun 1 with way too many new features and updates to list them all here. Check out the Golden Sun Dawn of Djinn page for more information. Long story short, it's very different and significantly harder than the original game. 

Despite being modified version of Dawn of Djinn these should be applied to a clean GS 1 ROM as well. Add-On patches may have unintended results to the ROM due to the way Dawn of Djinn is built compared to the original game. Quality of Life patches, however should be fine, though Dawn of Djinn already has the prologue events of the game removed.

  •  DoD_NoSummon
    • Dawn of Djinn demo up to Mogall forest, that also removes the ability to do summons. 
    • This was quickly put together for the fun of it and has not been play tested at all. 
    • I could not tell you off the top of my head if this is even beatable, let alone how much harder this makes the game. Player discretion is advised.

QOL Patches 

(Should be applied after all challenge patches unless specified otherwise)

  • GS1_AutoRun Patch 
    • Provided by VISIA|Pat on the GSH Discord
    • Makes you run by default, hold down B to walk instead.
  • GS Cutscene Patch
    • Provided by MarvinII
    • Patch used for speed running practice that abridges cutscenes to make them go by much faster. Speeding up animations in cut-scenes and abridging, if not flat out removing, dialogue. 
    • NPCs outside of story beats can still be talked to and mind-read, but some may not have their full dialogue trees. 
    • This patch is intended people already well familiar with Golden Sun's story and are in it purely for gameplay.

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